Super Shop Management


This project is about a super shop management system software using JAVA programming language. It is mainly windows based software. This management software is very helpful to manage different super shop related activity like entry and selling of goods or products, employee management. This project is done for our final project of Object Oriented Programming-1 course.

User Category:

There are two types of Users here. They are:
In this project the “Admin” has the following features:

GUI Description:


Fig: Login page, have two text field to enter user name and password and two buttons. After verifying the user id and password from database it opens home page or admin page determining the type of user.


Fig: Home page, contains 6 buttons to perform different operation. For example, product list button used to open product list window and logout for return to login page by logging out.


Fig: Product list window, here are the all information of the products with search, update, add, delete operation.


Fig: Purchase window, here all the product list added form product list window. Salesman can add multiple product in cart with the customer information and can sell the products if the stock available.


Fig: Change Password, Here User can change only his password.


Fig: Admin page, Here admin can access 3 operation can manage the bill Information of products sold by the salesman, manage all user password, name etc. and mange employee information like name, salary.


Fig: Bill Info, this window is accessed by admin and can manage bill related information.


Fig: User data, Here admin can add, update and delete any user information.


Fig: Employee Data, Admin can manage employee information From this window like name, contact, salary and also use CRUD operation.

Database Table Description:


Fig: User Table (Login)


Fig: Product List Table


Fig: Customer Table


Fig: Employee Table

Tools Used:

To develop this project I have used the following:

OOP and Java Concepts Used:

Limitations and Possible Future Improvements:

This management software has some limitation. It can be improved for Future like Customer can search the products without any login, the bill details will generate automatically and also employee attendance and salary management will also include, some improvement in GUI will perform.